Scholar Who Uses Science to Solve Real-World Problems

Read Professor Huebner’s Latest Research

Welcome to Beth M. Huebner’s professional site. Dr. Huebner is a professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Her principal research interests include the collateral consequences of incarceration, racial and gender disparities in the criminal justice system, and public policy. This website is a resource for those interested in learning more about his research and professional activities.

See Dr. Huebner’s Latest Research

An Expert with Decades of Research

Corrections & Sentencing

The primary focus of her research is the study of corrections, recidivism, and public policy. Most of her research is developed from a life-course framework, with the goal of understanding how incarceration, and contact with the criminal justice system overall, affects long-term behaviors, social relationships, and housing. Her work has been funded by Arnold Ventures, the MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge, and the National Institute or Justice.

Criminal Justice Data & Public Policy

Accompanying her research is a strong desire to use academic studies to inform public policy. She was partnered with local and national criminal justice agencies and non-profit organizations to help use data to address pressing social issues. Her work in this area has been funded by Arnold Ventures, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and several local agencies in the Midwest.

Urban Gun Violence

Her research also explores the police-community relations and the enduring role of gun crime in urban neighborhoods. She is particularly interested in exposure to violence among youth and adults and the ways in which trauma influences the experience of returning from incarceration. She has collaborated with several agencies with the goal of learning more about gun violence, particularly nonfatal shootings, in urban environments.